fun and hobbies,  Sewing

Seemstress Worthy

When at first you don’t succeed, Try, Try, Again – and then try again, and again and really do we ever truly stop? So, I guess one could say I’ve been a sewer all my life! I remember sewing in my early teens, and being quite proud. As the years went on and the realization that I wasn’t a perfectionist came to light … my sewing journey halted. Sure I could sew a straight line, and if I wanted a quick pillow cover that didn’t require a zipper, I could pull it off. I even embarked on a slipcover or two, but they were never seamstress worthy. That honor was reserved for my Mum, and her Mum ~ who were amazing, and patient! If things didn’t go right, if I measured or cut wrong, I threw my hands up in the air and moved on to something else. But this time is different. Maybe I’ve found a little more patience. Maybe I’m embracing the “it’s not going to be perfect” aspect. Maybe, I’ve found a purpose. And this time, I am enjoying myself. My chosen project is a new tote, so far I’ve made (and finished!!!) FIVE. Each one is different in size, shape and process. Each has a mess-up or two. And I’m surprisingly not done. I’m excited to keep going, keep tweaking and streamlining the process. I’ve actually found a way to lose myself in that lovely, creative mindful moment. This might turn into a lovely new chapter…