Creating what you saw …
Wow, that’s gorgeous!!! You grab your phone and take a picture, then you look at the screen! It looks nothing like what you saw! I’m often amazed how the color changes and am often saddened when the picture doesn’t look the same. Luckily you can change your photos right on your phone with so many different apps. I used the the Adobe Lightroom App, and these amazing “hello baby” presets, that Layla at “the lettered cottage” mentioned on instagram. Within a few clicks my photos were shining 🙂
Just check out this photo of my Birthday flowers (yes, I was totally spoiled). The picture above is lovely, right?!? But I felt the roses looked a tad too golden and the photo just didn’t do them justice.

Now, this is better, a little softer in color, but still vibrant…to me it catches the light beautifully. I used the “Wildlower” preset on this.

Now this altered photo made those yellow flowers smile … the color is softer, reminds me of my yellow hallway! This particular preset is called “Cottontail”
It’s amazing how beautiful they all look and all with some simple clicks on my I-phone … Oh the fun I’m going to have over the next few days! I might be able to have different color flowers all the time … Hmmm, I wonder if those roses can turn red for Valentines Day 🙂