• fun and hobbies,  Sewing

    Seemstress Worthy

    When at first you don’t succeed, Try, Try, Again – and then try again, and again and really do we ever truly stop? So, I guess one could say I’ve been a sewer all my life! I remember sewing in my early teens, and being quite proud. As the years went on and the realization that I wasn’t a perfectionist came to light … my sewing journey halted. Sure I could sew a straight line, and if I wanted a quick pillow cover that didn’t require a zipper, I could pull it off. I even embarked on a slipcover or two, but they were never seamstress worthy. That honor was…

  • Techy Stuff

    Creating what you saw …

    Wow, that’s gorgeous!!! You grab your phone and take a picture, then you look at the screen! It looks nothing like what you saw! I’m often amazed how the color changes and am often saddened when the picture doesn’t look the same. Luckily you can change your photos right on your phone with so many different apps. I used the the Adobe Lightroom App, and these amazing “hello baby” presets, that Layla at “the lettered cottage” mentioned on instagram. Within a few clicks my photos were shining 🙂 Just check out this photo of my Birthday flowers (yes, I was totally spoiled). The picture above is lovely, right?!? But I…

  • recipes

    Mother’s Day Tea

    A little treat from Mother’s Day … I was totally spoiled by my sweetest youngest this year. And looking back makes me long for a cuddle from my littles, and gives me a craving for all things sweet. One day soon we will have to make authentic clotted cream! I have it on good authority that it truly can be done 😉

  • creating a home

    Room with a view

    It’s taken many years of rearranging this room for it to finally shine! Honestly, it just needed some major editing. A prime example of less is more, the new floors and my new favorite rug (thank you amazon) bring it all together. I think our Girlykitty enjoys it too 🙂

  • recipes

    This is the day

    Here is a sample of the posts that I will type. Not sure if anyone will read them, but hey at least I’m learning !! Haha! Learning how to customize and edit this WordPress site, should be fun 🙂